As a CRM system contains plenty of interesting data, Microsoft Dynamics CRM offers several levels of reporting. Some, as views, charts or even integrated dashboards, as quite simple and can be created by users without any coding skill. But these first levels of reporting are often (always ?) insufficient for managers and directors. That's why Dynamics CRM offers the ability to create some custom SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) reports, that can be fully integrated inside the web application.
SSRS offers great reporting possibilities, and one of them is showing some data on a geographical map, that we will discuss today.
SSRS offers great reporting possibilities, and one of them is showing some data on a geographical map, that we will discuss today.
As a simple example, let's say you have categorized all your contact records by they residential US state. You have now a large amount of data, and you would like to display the amount of contacts, by state, on a US map, instead of a basic table. And of course focusing (using a color scale) on states that have the larger amount of contacts.